A Conversation Worth Revisiting

A Conversation Worth Revisiting

I joined Jo Judnick Wilson on the EduThink Podcast about a year ago to share our experiences raising neurodiverse sons. Revisiting that conversation recently, I was reminded how relevant it is for parents navigating similar journeys.

Jo’s son, now 14, was diagnosed with autism at age 4. My son James, now 20, was diagnosed at 7. We have faced challenges with schools that didn’t quite fit and the ongoing work of advocating for our children’s needs.

We talked about the importance of believing in your child. As I shared, “If you start with the mindset that your child is incapable, that’s what they’ll believe. But if you believe in them, you give them the tools to become resilient and capable.”

Jo reflected on the unexpected beauty in raising a neurodiverse child: “Life doesn’t go the way you expect, but the messy parts are where you grow.”

Our discussion reminds us that no two journeys are the same, but the need to support and celebrate our children is universal. I hope this conversation inspires you as much as it continues to inspire me.

🎧 Listen to the episode here: https://iono.fm/e/1381960

#Neurodiversity #ParentingSupport #EduThinkPodcast

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